In the enchanting Land of Oz, Elphaba, a girl shunned for her green skin yet fiercely independent, forms an unexpected bond with Glinda, a socially favored aristocrat. Despite their contrasting natures, their friendship faces challenges as they embark on their respective paths to becoming Glinda the Good and the Wicked Witch of the West.
Views: 6370
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Musical, Romance
Director: Jon M. Chu
Actors: Ariana Grande, Bowen Yang, Bronwyn James, Cynthia Erivo, Ethan Slater, Jeff Goldblum, Jonathan Bailey, Keala Settle, Marissa Bode, Michelle Yeoh
Country: Canada, Iceland, United States of America
Company: Marc Platt Productions, Sky Studios, Universal Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $360,335,665