Vanilla Sky
In this psychological thriller, a wealthy and charismatic publishing magnate, played by Tom Cruise, finds his life spiraling into a surreal and disorienting journey after a car accident. The film explores themes of reality, dreams, and the consequences of choices, with Penélope Cruz and Cameron Diaz delivering compelling performances alongside Cruise. Directed by Cameron Crowe, the movie is known for its intricate narrative and thought-provoking questions about identity and perception. While it did not win major awards, it remains a topic of discussion for its unique storytelling approach. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Cameron Crowe
Actors: Cameron Diaz, Delaina Mitchell, Jason Lee, Kurt Russell, Michael Shannon, Noah Taylor, Penélope Cruz, Tilda Swinton, Timothy Spall, Tom Cruise
Country: Spain, United States of America
Company: Cruise/Wagner Productions, Paramount Pictures, Vinyl Films
Worldwide Gross: $203,388,341