Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell
In this installment of the Tremors franchise, Burt Gummer, played by Michael Gross, finds himself battling Graboids and Ass-Blasters in the frigid Canadian tundra. As the creatures adapt to the cold environment, Burt and his team must devise new strategies to survive and eliminate the threat. The film, directed by Don Michael Paul, continues the series’ tradition of blending action, horror, and humor. While it hasn’t received any notable awards, fans of the franchise will appreciate the return of familiar faces and the unique setting. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 9
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Don Michael Paul
Actors: Alistair Moulton Black, Christie Peruso, Greg Kriek, Jamie Kennedy, Jamie-Lee Money, Jay Anstey, Jenna Upton, Michael Gross, Stephanie Schildknecht, Tanya van Graan
Country: South Africa, United States of America
Company: Capital Arts Entertainment, Universal 1440 Entertainment