The Transfiguration
In this 2017 film, the story follows a troubled teenager named Milo, who is fascinated by vampire lore and begins to blur the lines between reality and fantasy. Living in a rough neighborhood, Milo’s obsession with vampires serves as both an escape and a coping mechanism for his difficult life. The film explores themes of isolation, identity, and the impact of violence, offering a unique take on the vampire genre. It stars Eric Ruffin and Chloe Levine, whose performances bring depth to their complex characters. While the film did not receive major awards, it has been noted for its atmospheric storytelling and psychological depth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Michael O'Shea
Actors: Aaron Moten, Carter Redwood, Chloe Levine, Dangelo Bonneli, Eric Ruffin, JaQwan J. Kelly, Lloyd Kaufman, Luis Scott, Samuel H. Levine, Tarikk Mudu
Country: United States of America
Company: Susie Q Productions, Transfiguration Productions
Worldwide Gross: $28,631