The Stranger
Set against the backdrop of Canada’s North-West, “The Stranger” is a supernatural thriller interwoven with flashbacks. The story revolves around the enigmatic Martin, who arrives in a tranquil town with the intent to kill his wife, Ana. Both Martin and Ana suffer from a perilous condition that makes them crave human blood. Upon his arrival, Martin learns that Ana has been deceased for several years. He resolves to end his own life to eliminate the threat of the disease once and for all. However, before he can carry out his plan, Martin is savagely attacked by a trio of local hooligans led by Caleb, the son of a corrupt police officer. This violent encounter sets off a chain of events that will engulf the community in a wave of bloodshed.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Guillermo Amoedo
Actors: Aaron Burns, Alessandra Guerzoni, Ariel Levy, Cristobal Tapia Montt, Eric Kleinsteuber, Lorenza Izzo, Luis Gnecco, Nicolás Durán, Pablo Vila, Sally Rose
Country: Chile
Company: Sobras International Pictures