The Apprentice
In 1970s New York, a young Donald Trump, determined to establish his reputation as an ambitious heir from a prosperous family, falls under the influence of Roy Cohn. Cohn, a ruthless lawyer, plays a pivotal role in shaping the Donald Trump we recognize today. He identifies Trump as an ideal mentee, possessing unbridled ambition, a strong desire for achievement, and a readiness to do whatever is necessary to succeed.
Views: 189
Genre: Best Biography 2024, Best History 2024, Biography, Drama, Featured movies, History, Top 100 Popular Movies
Director: Ali Abbasi
Actors: Ben Sullivan, Chloe Madison, Emily Mitchell, Eoin Duffy, Jeremy Strong, Maria Bakalova, Martin Donovan, Patch Darragh, Sebastian Stan, Stuart Hughes
Country: Canada, Denmark, Ireland, United States of America
Company: Gidden Media, Head Gear Films, Rocket Science, Scythia Films
Worldwide Gross: $12,019,563