Teen Wolf Too
In this 1987 sequel, the story follows Todd Howard, a college freshman who discovers he shares the same werewolf gene as his cousin, Scott. As Todd navigates the challenges of college life, he must also come to terms with his newfound abilities and the expectations that come with them. The film stars Jason Bateman in one of his early roles, showcasing his comedic talent. Directed by Christopher Leitch, the movie explores themes of identity and self-acceptance. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Genre: Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Director: Christopher Leitch
Actors: Beth Miller, Estee Chandler, James Hampton, Jason Bateman, John Astin, Kim Darby, Mark Holton, Paul Sand, Robert Neary, Stuart Fratkin
Country: United States of America
Company: Atlantic Entertainment Group
Worldwide Gross: $7,888,703