Set in the lawless town of Mirzapur, this gripping series delves into the power struggles and criminal underworld of Uttar Pradesh, India. The narrative follows the lives of two brothers who become entangled with the ruthless mafia boss, Kaleen Bhaiya, played by the formidable Pankaj Tripathi. As they navigate the treacherous landscape of crime and politics, the series explores themes of ambition, loyalty, and revenge. Directed by Karan Anshuman, the show features a stellar cast including Ali Fazal and Divyendu Sharma. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Action & Adventure, Crime, Drama
Director: Karan Anshuman, Puneet Krishna, Vineet Krishnan
Studio: Excel Entertainment
Creators: Apurva Dhar Badgaiyan, Karan Anshuman, Puneet Krishna
TV Status: Returning Series
45minRelease: 2018
IMDb: 8.4
TMDb: 8.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 70%
Country: India
Networks: Prime Video
Starring: Ali Fazal, Amit Sial, Anjum Sharma, Divyendu Sharma, Harshita Gaur, Isha Talwar, Kulbhushan Kharbanda, Pankaj Tripathi, Prashansa Sharma, Priyanshu Painyuli, Rajesh Tailang, Rasika Dugal, Sheeba Chaddha, Shweta Tripathi, Shweta Tripathi Sharma, Vijay Varma