Set in the vibrant and gritty East Village of New York City, this film follows a group of bohemian friends navigating love, life, and the challenges of living with HIV/AIDS during the late 1980s. Directed by Chris Columbus, the movie features a talented ensemble cast, including Idina Menzel, Taye Diggs, and Rosario Dawson, who bring the characters’ struggles and aspirations to life through powerful performances and memorable musical numbers. While the film did not receive major awards, it remains a poignant adaptation of the beloved Broadway musical. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Musical, New Year's Eve, Romance
Director: Chris Columbus
Actors: Adam Pascal, Anthony Rapp, Idina Menzel, Jesse L. Martin, Julia Roth, Porscha Radcliffe, Rosario Dawson, Taye Diggs, Tracie Thoms, Wilson Jermaine Heredia
Country: United States of America
Company: 1492 Pictures, Rent Productions LLC, Revolution Studios
Worldwide Gross: $31,670,620