In this South Korean film, a bank security guard unexpectedly gains telekinetic powers after drinking from a mountain spring hit by a meteor. As he grapples with his newfound abilities, he is drawn into a conflict involving his estranged daughter, who is fighting against a corrupt construction company threatening her neighborhood. Directed by Yeon Sang-ho, known for his work on “Train to Busan,” the movie blends elements of comedy, action, and social commentary. The film stars Ryu Seung-ryong, Shim Eun-kyung, and Park Jung-min, delivering engaging performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy
Director: Yeon Sang-ho
Actors: Jung Young-ki, Jung Yu-mi, Kim Min-jae, Kim Young-sun, Park Jeong-min, Ryu Seung-ryong, Shim Eun-kyung, Soo-jung Ye, Tae Hang-ho, Ye Soo-jung, Ye Su-jeong, Yoo Seung-mok
Country: South Korea
Company: InfinityOne Comics Entertainment, Next Entertainment World (NEW), RedPeter Film
Worldwide Gross: $6,981,970