Princess Blade
Set in a dystopian future, this film follows the journey of Yuki, a skilled assassin who becomes disillusioned with her life in a notorious clan of mercenaries. As she seeks revenge for her mother’s death, Yuki encounters Takashi, a mysterious man with a troubled past, leading to an unexpected alliance. The movie features stunning action sequences and stars Yumiko Shaku and Hideaki Ito. Directed by Shinsuke Sato, it offers a blend of intense drama and martial arts choreography. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Shinsuke Sato
Actors: Hideaki Ito, Kyusaku Shimada, Naomasa Musaka, Shintarou Sonooka, Shirô Sano, Yôichi Numata, Yôko Chôsokabe, Yoko Maki, Yumiko Shaku, Yutaka Matsushige
Country: Japan
Company: Gaga, Oz Productions
Worldwide Gross: $77,567