In this 2017 film directed by Joseph Cedar, Richard Gere stars as Norman Oppenheimer, a small-time New York fixer who befriends a young politician at a low point in his life. As the politician rises to power, Norman’s life becomes increasingly complicated, leading to unexpected consequences. The film explores themes of ambition, friendship, and the intricate web of political influence. While it did not receive major awards, Gere’s performance was noted for its depth and nuance. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Thriller
Director: Joseph Cedar
Actors: Charlotte Gainsbourg, Dan Stevens, Hank Azaria, Jonathan Avigdori, Josh Charles, Lior Ashkenazi, Michael Sheen, Richard Gere, Steve Buscemi, Yehuda Almagor
Country: Israel, United States of America
Company: Blackbird, Cold Iron Pictures, Movie Plus Productions
Worldwide Gross: $6,217,567