Less Than Zero
Set against the backdrop of 1980s Los Angeles, this film follows the lives of three affluent young friends as they navigate the seductive yet destructive world of wealth, drugs, and excess. The story centers on Clay, played by Andrew McCarthy, who returns home from college for Christmas to find his ex-girlfriend Blair, portrayed by Jami Gertz, and his best friend Julian, played by Robert Downey Jr., caught in a downward spiral of addiction. Directed by Marek Kanievska, the film offers a stark portrayal of the consequences of hedonism and the struggle for redemption. While it did not receive any major awards, Robert Downey Jr.’s performance is often highlighted as a standout. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Marek Kanievska
Actors: Andrew McCarthy, Donna Mitchell, James Spader, Jami Gertz, Lisanne Falk, Michael Bowen, Nicholas Pryor, Robert Downey Jr., Sarah Buxton, Tony Bill
Country: United States of America
Company: Amercent Films, American Entertainment Partners L.P., Twentieth Century Fox
Worldwide Gross: $12,396,383