Howling III
In this 1987 horror-comedy, the narrative shifts to Australia, where a unique species of werewolves is discovered. The story follows a young woman who is part of this marsupial werewolf lineage, as she navigates her identity and the challenges that come with it. The film, directed by Philippe Mora, blends elements of horror with satirical humor, offering a distinct take on the werewolf genre. Notably, the movie features Barry Otto and Imogen Annesley in key roles. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Philippe Mora
Actors: Barry Humphries, Barry Otto, Dagmar Bláhová, Frank Thring, Imogen Annesley, Jon Ewing, Lee Biolos, Max Fairchild, Michael Pate, Ralph Cotterill
Company: Bacanora Entertainment, Bancannia Holdings Pty. Ltd.