Four Rooms
In this quirky anthology film, a hapless bellboy named Ted, played by Tim Roth, navigates a chaotic New Year’s Eve at a Los Angeles hotel. The story unfolds through four distinct segments, each directed by a different filmmaker, including Alexandre Rockwell. Ted encounters a series of bizarre and comedic situations involving eccentric guests, including appearances by stars like Antonio Banderas and Madonna. The film is known for its unique storytelling style and the collaboration of notable directors. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Crime, New Year's Eve
Director: Alexandre Rockwell, Allison Anders, Robert Rodriguez
Actors: Amanda de Cadenet, Antonio Banderas, David Proval, Ione Skye, Jennifer Beals, Lili Taylor, Madonna, Sammi Davis, Tim Roth, Valeria Golino
Country: United States of America
Company: A Band Apart, Miramax
Worldwide Gross: $4,257,354