El Camino Christmas
In this 2017 film directed by David E. Talbert, a young man named Eric Roth embarks on a quest to find his estranged father, leading him to the small town of El Camino. The story unfolds on Christmas Eve, where a series of misunderstandings and unfortunate events result in a tense hostage situation at a local liquor store. The film features a notable cast, including Dax Shepard, Tim Allen, and Jessica Alba, who bring depth to this dark comedy-drama. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it offers a unique blend of humor and suspense. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Holiday Comedy, Western
Director: David E. Talbert
Actors: Dax Shepard, Emilio Rivera, Jessica Alba, Jimmy O. Yang, John Posey, Kimberly Quinn, Kurtwood Smith, Luke Grimes, Michelle Mylett, Vincent D'Onofrio
Country: United States of America
Company: Brother, Goldenlight Films