In the backdrop of Han Imperial China, the story unfolds around Ping, a young enslaved girl, and her journey with Long Danzi, an ancient dragon. Dragons have been exiled from the realm, and Ping, an orphan, stumbles upon one of the few surviving dragon eggs. Pursued by palace guards, Ping is compelled to flee to return the dragon egg to the sea, aiming to prevent the dragons from dying out. Along the way, Ping realizes her destiny as a genuine Dragonkeeper.
Views: 31
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Family, Fantasy
Director: Jianping Li, Salvador Simó
Actors: Álvaro Navarro, Carlos de Luna, César Díaz Capilla, Fernando Castro, Isabel Gaudí, Jorge Insúa, José Gómez Adán, Lucía Pérez, Mario Gas, Miquel Rodríguez Ros
Company: Atresmedia Cine, China Film Animation, Guardián De Dragones A.I.E.
Worldwide Gross: $6,207,867