A Charlie Brown Christmas
In this beloved animated classic, Charlie Brown finds himself disillusioned by the commercialism surrounding the holiday season. With the help of his friends, including the ever-optimistic Linus, he sets out to discover the true meaning of Christmas. Directed by Bill Melendez, the film features the iconic music of Vince Guaraldi, which has become synonymous with the Peanuts franchise. This timeless special has won an Emmy Award and continues to be a holiday favorite. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Animation, Christmas, Comedy, Drama, Family, Holiday Animation, Kids, TV Movie
Director: Bill Melendez
Actors: Ann Altieri, Bill Melendez, Cathy Steinberg, Chris Doran, Christopher Shea, Geoffrey Ornstein, Karen Mendelson, Kathy Steinberg, Peter Robbins, Sally Dryer, Tracy Stratford
Country: United States of America
Company: Bill Melendez Productions, Bluebush Productions, Lee Mendelson Film Productions, United Feature Syndicate (UFS)